Na procura de um Chevette para virar Chepala, este hatch 1982 foi o escolhido |
Information about the entire collection of autos in the world. thanks hopefully useful do not forget to come back :)
Friday, 28 February 2014
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Ford Focus, refrigério nas linhas |
Thursday, 27 February 2014
Vender — e comprar — automóveis usados exige mais que interesse, conhecimento, técnica e, às vezes, arte. Há, às vezes, jogos de palavras, descrições imprecisas, verdades e mentiras flexíveis. Também, textos e gentes a arranhar os códigos civil, penal, do consumidor. É mandatório tino para interpretar, competência para aclarar. A internet, com seus portais ganhando espaço como mídia para vendas, e o tradicional anúncio classificado em jornais, têm muitas propostas neste sentido. Se interessado, um pequeno glossário sobre os verbetes e termos mais utilizados para ajudar a entender a hábil terminologia.
Carro de Mulher – Teoricamente um atributo aplicado como valorizador. Mas sobre a origem feminina há controvérsias e no atual leque de classificação de gêneros abre-se caminho com variáveis que me escapam. O produto original é, no usual, mais cuidadoso que homens para dirigir e manter veículos.
Em março de 1994 era lançado o Fiat Uno Turbo i.e., inaugurando a era do motor de ciclo Otto turboalimentado no Brasil. O pequeno Fiat, sem querer, mostrava o caminho do futuro, o binômio baixa cilindrada-superalimentação hoje popularizado sob o nome downsizing, redução de tamanho (do motor, no caso) em inglês.
O lançamento para a imprensa automobilística foi no Autódromo Internacional de Caruaru, em Pernambuco, que teria o nome mudado naquele mesmo ano para Autódromo Internacional Ayrton Senna, homenagem ao nosso segundo tricampeão, que faleceria pouco depois, no dia 1º de maio. No evento houve um exibição de tiros de bacamarte, arma-símbolo de Pernambuco cujo estampido é ensurdecedor, um belo espetáculo. Existe até uma federação de bacamarteiros no Estado.
Como é padrão nos lançamentos da Fiat em autódromos, pista total, livre, sem chicanas artificiais para reduzir velocidade, e a novidade pôde ser explorada sem restrições por todos, inclusive pelo editor-chefe do Ae, na época editor de testes e técnica da revista Autoesporte.
Era um desempenho inimaginável para um carro daquele porte e aplicação, com seu motor, importado, de apenas 1.372 cm³ (80,5 x 67,4 mm), 118 cv a 5.750 rpm e 17,5 m·kgf a 3.500 rpm, taxa de compressão 7,8:1 e 0,8 bar de pressão de superalimentação (tinha até manômetro!) pelo turbo Garrett T2, com interresfriador, e injeção multiponto Bosch Jetronic L 31.
Sua velocidade máxima declarada era de 195 km/h e a aceleração 0-100 km/h, em 9,2 segundos. Pesava 975 kg e vinha corretamente dotado de pneus 185/60HR14. A altura de rodagem era 10 mm mais baixa em relação ao Uno normal.
Marcou época, foi produzido até 1996.
Wednesday, 26 February 2014
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BMW (ilustração de Matheus Mari) |
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Brasão da Região da Bavária |
A região mais austríaca da Alemanha oferece ainda aos seus habitantes outras maravilhas, como a Oktoberfest, cervejas, cervejarias e uma cultura pujante. Estive lá apenas uma vez, muitos anos atrás, mas ainda tenho presente a lembrança da aura local.
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Lembrança da Bavária |
Tuesday, 25 February 2014
Slowing Down
With US dealership inventories at 88 days on February 1st – 60 days is healthy – we are seeing a possible mismatch of sales relative to production. Yes, there's been bad weather across much of the US, and that kept shoppers away. This past week, though, I visited a half-dozen dealers while car shopping and used that as an opportunity to listen to them. What I heard suggests this is not a temporary blip. are on the way: if I could put off buying a car, I would...
First, the factory is hiking dealers' sales targets, and getting pushback: late 2013 is as good as it's going to get, and no, we aren't likely to do better. Of course every dealer wants a lower target, and they rightly fear the "ratchet effect" of overperforming leading to higher targets, even if their success was a result of idiosyncratic factors, such as hiccups at a local competitor or a sales blitz that worked in volume terms but not in profitability so won't be repeated. Still, my reading is that dealers aren't seeing the same sort of foot traffic, and they don't think it's just the weather. Furthermore, that is consistent with other macroeconomic indicators such as wage growth, interest rates and housing. Growth is anemic.
Second, supply is up both because new capacity is coming onstream (Honda and Mazda in Mexico, for example) or is available because of the weak yen (Toyota is again making money on exports from Japan, and has a lot of capacity there relative to the current size of the domestic Japanese market, which is also facing a big hike in sales taxes). That's bad news if there's in fact a slowdown, or at least not an increase, in sales. Oh, and neither Honda nor Toyota has seen any uptick in their market share this past year.
...[other indicators likewise show] growth is anemic...
Then there are new models, with incentives to make way for the old. As a result a quick scan of Automotive News headlines suggests a number of OEMs in that position. That's an argument for part of this rise in inventories reflecting model changeovers, but that will vary from firm to firm and ought to ease quickly.
Overall, though, my sense is that firms will have to either trim their production plans, and soon, or really beef up the inventories. And if we start seeing more vehicles coming off-lease and out of fleets, then tradein values will make moving the metal a bit more difficult.
So deals are on the way: if I could put off buying a car, I would. Now in my own case I can't, and what I'm seeing suggests I'll opt for a new vehicle over a used one. Yes, if I wanted to spend $23K there are many attractive larger cars out there, lots of BMWs and Volvos and the like at Carmax. But all I need is a car to get me to and from work, and my wife has nixed a relatively inexpensive Porsche Boxster that would do the trick, or even a coupe: with a 2-week-old granddaughter a couple miles away the ruling decree is that I need the option of putting in a car seat...
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Puma GT (foto O Globo) |
“Quem acabou com o automóvel foi o navio.” – LJK Setright
Leonard John Kensell Setright (1931-2005), historiador, músico, escritor, advogado, motociclista, piloto de testes e teólogo inglês, foi certamente o mais erudito autor que já escreveu sobre carros. A frase acima foi usada repetidas vezes por ele para defender uma teoria de que, ao invés dos famosos “carros mundiais”, o ideal é que cada povo e país pudesse projetar seus próprios automóveis. A antítese completa do mundo moderno, onde o caminho é claro para a padronização.
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Um Alfa Romeo em sua terra natal: um completa o outro. (foto: |
Mercedes continua mostrando o caminho
Felipe Nasr é confirmado como piloto-reserva da Williams e a F-1 abre espaço para as mulheres
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Nico Rosberg e seu Mercedes na pista do Bahrein (Foto Mercedes-Benz Media) |
Monday, 24 February 2014
Sunday, 23 February 2014
Saturday, 22 February 2014
Mister JAC, vulgo Sérgio Habib (que comanda a marca chinesa no Brasil) não tem nada de tonto, como já disse aqui. Assim, com a aposentadoria da Kombi, ele logo alinhou a JAC entre as marcas que querem apresentar um substituto para o velho e querido Pão de Forma made in São Bernardo.
Friday, 21 February 2014
Federal Agency Should Stop Playing Guessing Games
David Ruggles
Here I'm posting a few points I made in "Federal Agency Should Stop Playing Guessing Games" published February 21st in You can read the full article on Wards.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has socked Ally Bank with $98 million in penalties and restitution requirements as part of a consent agreement stemming from unintended discrimination involving dealer-assisted car loans.
Ally facilitated discrimination, according to a CFPB analysis using “proxy methodology” that presumes to determine who is and isn’t a member of a government-designated “protected class” by means of a borrower’s first name, last name, zip code and other variables.
So here’s a solution.
First, the CFPB should provide access to their proxy methodology so dealers can analytically determine up front who is and isn’t a member of a protected class.
Second, the CFPB should prescribe exactly what special treatment it wants protected- class members to receive. It can be business as usual for everyone else.
Absent this, the CFPB should leave the current system of indirect lending alone with the understanding that the bureau’s inaccurate proxy methodology has only turned up the possibility of the miniscule potential rate markup overcharge of a third of a percent. That certainly is within the margin of error for so imperfect a system designed to identify protected-class borrowers.
If the CFPB wants to institute a protected-class database, it should do so using actual data, rather than the guesswork it has been employing so far.
A line that got lost in editing:
"I can't wait to get my "protected class" membership card for being 65 and being bald." Another deletion included a reference to "SWAG," a term not deemed appropriate for a trade publication.
Comments Welcome! There will be a lot more published on this issue in the coming days.
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Pequeno e leve, receita de diversão |
Em outubro de 1998, um carro inglês fora do comum era apresentado no Salão do Automóvel de Londres, o Dare DZ. Dare significa ousar, e o DZ se encaixa muito bem nessa descrição.
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Funcionária do serviço localiza o carro do cliente |
Thursday, 20 February 2014
Talking Macro: WREL show February 20, 2014
Here are notes from my weekly radio show on WREL Lexington, Virginia. The actual show seldom covers all of the topics I prepare, as what I discuss depends in part on questions from the host, Jim Bresnahan. What follows is thus expands on what I said or prepared to say.
The Economy
The Fed released its January minutes that suggests a pragmatic approach to policy targets. As I've discussed in previous shows, you can't capture the dynamics of the US labor market in a single number. The economists at the Fed of course know that, and so the headline item is that the Fed is revising its guidance that it will keep interest rates low unless inflation picks up or unemployment falls below 6.5%. That latter item is what is more flexible because jobs growth is not moving in parallel with the drop in unemployment.
First, the latest CPI (Consumer Price Index) report came out just after the show, and indicates no uptick inflation; prices are up a mere 1.6% over the past year once volatile food and energy prices are excluded (and as it happens, when they are included). That is consistent with the PPI (Producer Price Index) report released yesterday, with a 1.2% rise over the previous year. Both are far below historic levels, and the CPI remains well below the 2% target level with no indication that the rate is rising.
Back to employment. At present we have 145 million people employed in the US, below the 154 million level consist with population growth – a gap of 8.5 million. Worse, while my population growth number incorporates baby boomer retirement, in fact the baby boomers are not retiring at the same rate as in the past. For people aged 60-64, today 52% are employed, in 2005 only 50% were. For the older 65-69 bracket, in 2005 only 30% were working but today it's 35%. That's bad news for those at the younger end of the age bracket. In 2005 some 68% of those age 20-24 were working, but today only 62% have jobs. So the Fed is sensibly treating the unemployment number as just one more indicator, and not tying policy to a single number.
Other indicators likewise suggest muted growth. Housing starts were 880,000 in January, seasonally adjusted to reflect normal winter weather. Obviously this year's not been normal. So perhaps we'll see things pick up in Spring, but the pre-bubble level was more like 1.6 million starts (the bubble level peaked at over 2 million). But the level remains far below what we need for robust growth, and of course bad weather means that construction workers and the stores that sell to them are having a very bad start in 2014.
Finally, there's a Bloomberg story on divorce rates rising from a 40-year low in 2009. The story claims that's good news, but I'm not so sure. Yes, hard times make it more challenging for spouses to find the jobs that enable survival after a break-up. But long-term unemployment is a destroyer of families, something observed in the Great Depression of the 1930s, which left many mothers single when their men hit the road in search of work and didn't come back. But more consistent of the "economy is better" interpretation is that new household formation is rising.
That's consistent with what I've seen of my son and his friends. None of them have girlfriends, and the reason they give is that without stable jobs, it's just not a responsible thing to do. For all the decrying by their elders of today's youth, other indicators suggest the same, including a drop in children born to single mothers and in abortions.
United Way of Rockbridge update
Let me close with an update on the local United Way of Rockbridge annual campaign. While the website calendar isn't yet updated, and the thermometer outside Walmart remains on its side with the new sign blown off, we are now just shy of $220,000 or 88% of our $250,000 goal with results from Mohawk, one major employer workplace campaign, still pending. We still very much need those in our residential campaign who have procrastinated to contribute – a check to UWR at 218 S Main in Lexington (zip 24450) would be very much appreciated, and we should have a "click and contribute" button added to our web site within the next week, as we no longer want to be given credit card numbers. [Next week I will talk about our Community Leaders program, recognizing small businesses who support us.]
We also held our Annual Meeting yesterday, with reports from 16 agencies. It was both heartening and sobering to hear their reports, heartening because of the dedication of the volunteers and staff of these local community-oriented non-profits, and sobering because they too report slower contributions amidst increased demands for their services. Since we want to keep pushing ahead with our Community Impact program, Rockbridge Reads!, without cutting back on our assistance to these agencies, we really need to hit our fundraising goal.
Over the next weeks I will introduce the groups to which we contribute. One is RAOC, the Rockbridge Area Occupation Center headquartered in Buena Vista, which provides jobs to physically able but mentally challenged individuals. Now others in the area do this, Kroger and Food Lion for example employ individuals as do others, working in conjunction with the Community Services Board. So RAOC complements other efforts, running yard care and cleaning services, providing supervised work environments for individuals referred to them by the Virginia Department of Rehabilitative Services. Some of their workers are capable of using chainsaws, others are good at mowing. If you might be able to use their skills, please contact RAOC! – I provided their website link above.
Mike Smitka
Mas a atual quase unanimidade da configuração de motor dianteiro com tração dianteira está maçante. O novo Renault Twingo, que em breve estará à venda na Europa, virá com motor e tração traseiros. Ufa! Finalmente descobriram que dá para voltar a fazer algo além da configuração reinante para os carros do dia-a-dia.
Wednesday, 19 February 2014
Uma das formas mais puras de competição automobilística é o rali. Terreno sem preparação e carros não muito diferentes do que encontramos nas concessionárias e que podemos comprar formam uma ótima combinação para um evento sensacional.
Tuesday, 18 February 2014
Todo ano os entusiastas mais apaixonados do mundo por carros antigos e clássicos se reúnem para ir à Retromobile, o salão do carro antigo, em Paris. Essa última edição, a 39ª, realizou-se de 5 a 9 de fevereiro. E que evento! Todo ano é ainda maior e melhor. Todo ano ainda mais espetacular. E todo ano a turma de fãs de carros antigos saindo de lá já dizendo que voltará no ano que vem.
Com um evento desse tamanho e extensão, seria difícil descrever tudo num artigo só. Por isso, vamos nos concentrar em dez aspectos do evento que, pelo menos para mim, predominaram. Não vou dizer que a seleção é definitiva. Como sou mais interessado em carros de rua do que carros de corrida, o foco é concentrado naqueles. E sendo que a minha lista original tinha 34 “pontos altos”, é óbvio que tive que deixar muito para trás. Mas, de qualquer maneira, vamos em frente.
Paris é linda, mas que frio faz em fevereiro! O sol só nasce às 8h00. E nem é sol, mas uma espécie de neblina cinza-escuro. E a pouca luz do dia acaba lá pelas cinco da tarde. Mas este ano foi mais quente que os anteriores. Temperaturas entre, digamos, – 4 °C e 4 °C. Ventos fortes e árticos vindo do Rio Sena. Igual ao Brasil... É melhor ficar dentro da casa mesmo!
O evento é enorme. Esse ano, a Retromobile finalmente se transferiu para o maior salão do gigantesco complexo de Porte de Versailles, o Pavilhão 1. São 44.000 metros quadrados num espaço contínuo, sem paredes fixas, e tudo fechado aos elementos da natureza. Neste espaço, 33.000 metros quadrados são dedicados exclusivamente à exposição de carros — o resto são peças, livros, miniaturas, praças de alimentação etc. Mais de 400 empresas representadas, mais de 100 clubes de automóveis.

GT: prós e contras
Negociações mal resolvidas e projetos apressados marcaram a última batalha na luta para reviver a categoria dos supercarros
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Imagem publicada nas redes sociais confirmava a associação |
Monday, 17 February 2014
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"Encounter" de M. C. Escher: emergência e dualidade complementar |
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Flocos de neve: diferentes, mas com simetria radial |
Sunday, 16 February 2014
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Triumph Spitfire Mk I, 1962 de semieixo oscilante atrás: horror! |